
philly falafel

my sister donica and i had some fun falafel-ing all over center city philadelphia this weekend!  it was fun to have a partner in crime this time around :)  here are a couple of my favorite post-its my sister and i put up...

never underestimate the power of your dreams.
posted on a sign outside a parking garage.

i love your hair!
posted on the bathroom mirror in a pub.

hopefully our notes helped spread some encouragement and positivity to the city of brotherly love!



Unknown said...

I really just adore these! Maybe I'll do a little falafeling this weekend myself.

Emily said...

Yay! Love it! I can imagine you and Donica doing stealth falafeling, and I'm a little jealous.

warren said...

This is a fantastic idea. I have a new project now I think...

inadvertent farmer said...

spreading a little sunshine...LOVE it!!! Kim