stop sign graffiti has become something of a trend in the u.s. over the past several years (beginning with "stop the war" and "stop eating meat").
but it wasn't until fairly recently that i began to see it used in funny (stop: hammertime), meaningful, and thought-provoking applications. a search on flickr revealed some really great messages that i just had to share with you all.

{even with the misspelling, the message comes through. "don't stop believing." from mint tea}

{my favorite... "stop being afraid." from fucher is now}
i hope you take the time to "stop" for a moment and reflect on how you can incorporate these little bits of wisdom into your life.
very good, the last one definitely resonates, and i don't ever want to stop beilivan!
I just found a bunch of these in my hometown. They aren't quite as political, but are pretty cool I think. Thanks for posting them!
Here are pics of the ones I saw:
Stop Sign Artist in Charleston, WV
Haha, Jimmy actually took a similar photo in Takoma Park, but with a somewhat less inspiring message:
It got featured on the Prince of Petworth blog :)
LOVE them all... the last one is my favorite too.
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