
it's a wonderful life.

merry christmas everyone!

if you get a chance today, sit down and watch it's a wonderful life. regardless of your beliefs, it should help remind you what the holidays are all about... spending time with the people you love the most, taking a step back and being grateful for everything you have.

i hope you all have a truly wonderful holiday. i'll be spending christmas with my amazing husband and family at my parents' home... then we'll all be flying off to sunny puerto rico for some more quality time :)

see you in the new year!



you are beautiful.

if you haven't yet seen the you are beautiful project, please, please go visit the site today. i promise it will make your day better.

here are some words from the project's statement:

the intention behind this project is to reach beyond ourselves as individuals to make a difference by creating moments of positive self realization. we're just attempting to make the world a little better.

intention is the most important aspect of the you are beautiful project in its idea of purity. nothing is sacred. everything that has a perceived value becomes commodified. we work extremely hard that this message is received as a simple act of kindness, and nothing more.

basically, the idea behind the project is a group of anonymous people who go around putting up installations with the message "you are beautiful" in public places. and i have to say, this is one of the most beautiful things i've seen in a long time. here are some of my favorite images of the you are beautiful project in action...

click here to see more beautiful photos.



shopping season

it's that time of year, folks... the time when the idea of setting foot in a shopping mall gives you a migraine.

braving the crowds to hunt for the perfect gift or a festive party dress can be super stressful... so the other day i decided to leave some encouragement for frazzled shoppers.

hopefully my notes helped make someone's holiday shopping experience just a little more bearable :)



the most wonderful time of the year...

we put our little tinsel christmas tree up last weekend... i love the holidays :)



a note from my hubby

check out this note my hubby left me on the inside of my car window the other day... isn't he sweet?
